Friday, July 6, 2012

Painted Kitties

Meow! What's happened here? ....kinda neat, but certainly NOT for me!

Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.................I found some freebie stamps, click and save

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Lava Cats

As I was being petted by the grandson around here, he was talking about Lava Cats. After a moment I realized he likes red cats and being a boy of 7, the name Lava Cats is really cool. I can dig it...he's very nice to me

Hot and cold lava cat

lip smacking good!

The giant Lava Cat!

Meow, meow, gotta sleep now,  meow.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Eyes of a Different Color

We are so beautiful that we can have two different colored eyes and still be stunning. My lady's daughter has a green and blue set, I know this because she has put her face too close to mine more than once.  She' scared of me now. And who is this David Bowie guy I keep seeing on our internet?

Heterochromia- Eye Color 

It's the condition where both of your eyes are entirely two different colors. Now, if you were born with this rare condition, what two colors would your eyes be?


too close know what happens next?!


She thinks she cat eyes. Meow, not!

 We don't have to paint our eyes, Meow!

Is this Mick Jagger?

No wonder people cal him "Davy Baby"

Whoops, I was playing Bowie music on lady cometh! Gotta scam! eowwwwwwww!